AnElephantCant ever truly know,
How certainly her “hubby” thinks it grand,
That put a smile on my true loves face,
Such wonderful attention, as first hand.
But greatest joy as do your words bestow,
Dear pachyderm, don’t misconstrue me please,
In spreading mirth as do your words with grace
The more affects him, well it guarantees,
Beyond so great a joy, as overflow
Most all the expectations he conceives.
Then writes he sonnets all the more apace
Although the Holiday so interleaves;
And though his sonnets flow like water, won’t
Misplace such inspiration if they don’t!
Filed under: Sonnets Tagged: aas9hfe, aas9hfe-b, Art, British, Holiday, Humor, Humour, Literature, Poem, Poet, Poetry, Sonnet, Works